Dr. Kasandra Scales Dr. Julia Iyasere Dr. Julius Johnson Atiya N. Butler

Careers in Healthcare Panel

A Talk by Dr. Julius Johnson , Dr. Kasandra Scales , Atiya N. Butler and Dr. Julia Iyasere

About this Talk

Are you interested in pursuing a career in health care? Or perhaps you never know how to answer the dreaded question about what you plan to do with your life and this is the first you’re even thinking about a career in health care. In both instances, this panel is for you! There are so many different professions to consider in the broad field of health and medicine. Come hear experts in different roles speak about their own experiences, motivations, pros and cons, insider tips and advice, and have a chance to ask your questions.

February 06, 2021, 01:00 AM

01:00 AM - 01:45 AM

About The Speakers

Dr. Julius Johnson

Dr. Julius Johnson

Dr. Kasandra Scales

Dr. Kasandra Scales

Atiya N. Butler

Atiya N. Butler

Dr. Julia Iyasere

Dr. Julia Iyasere