Dr. Olajide Williams DJ Ralph McDaniels Doug E. Fresh

Friday Night Live: Building Health Equity Through the Transformative Power of Music

A Talk by Doug E. Fresh , DJ Ralph McDaniels and Dr. Olajide Williams

About this Talk

For some of us, music has been the lifeline. Come join hip hop legend Doug E. Fresh and the brilliant Dr. Olajide Williams in a casual conversation with creative trailblazer Ralph McDaniels. They will discuss the ways music has influenced their lives and the connections among music, race, culture, and our health.

February 06, 2021, 02:00 AM

02:00 AM - 02:45 AM

About The Speakers

Doug E. Fresh

Doug E. Fresh

DJ Ralph McDaniels

DJ Ralph McDaniels

Dr. Olajide Williams

Dr. Olajide Williams